We worship according to the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) - the red book found in the sanctuary chairs. When you arrive, you will be given a service bulletin which will help you navigate through the service. Most of the service will also be projected on the sanctuary screens or inserted into the bulletin.
First Things We are glad that you are here! We love to meet new people and share our journey with them. We want you to be comfortable - if you have any questions, please ask! The Rev. Robert Moses (our priest) or just about anyone with a name tag would be more than happy to answer your questions. And, if they don't know the answer, they can help you find someone who does. When you arrive on Sunday, you will meet a greeter who will give you a bulletin with that week's order of service. Again, most of the service will be projected.
Someone will show you into the sanctuary so that you can find a seat. We don't have any reserved seats so you don't need to worry about that. Restrooms are just around the corner in the Hall, if you need. The Sanctuary has a special place for children (called the Children's Corner) with books and quiet toys where kids can sit to participate at their pace and comfort-level, if they so choose. Most Sundays, we also have Children's Church for children pre-k through 5th grade. They meet at 10 am in children's room - a greeter would be happy to show you the way.
Service begins at 10 am with a song of praise. Announcements are generally made a few minutes before 10 am. Blessings for birthdays, anniversaries, and travel, as well as prayers for the sick, are made during the prayer of the people (after the sermon and Creed).
Order of Service We follow a similar order of service each week, consisting of two main parts: The World of God (The Liturgy of the Word) and The Holy Communion (The Liturgy of the Eucharist).
The Word of God - Introductory praise and prayers are offered. We then proclaim the scriptures (assigned from the Revised Common Lectionary) - lessons from the Old Testament, Psalms, Epistles, and Gospels. The proclamation is followed by a homily or sermon, the Nicene Creed, and prayers.
The Holy Communion - After the offertory, the priest leads the community in making Eucharist - that is, the bread and wine becoming the Body and Blood of Christ. After the prayers, Communion is distributed. The service ends with concluding prayers, a hymn, and a dismissal.
Receiving Communion In the Episcopal Church, all baptized Christians (no matter their congregational affiliation) are invited to receive Holy Communion.
To receive communion: Come to the sanctuary rail at the usher's direction. There, you may kneel or stand at your discretion. The priest will offer you the body of Christ in the form of a host with the words, "The body of Christ, the bread of heaven." Place your hands palm up in front of you (one hand atop the other). The priest will place the host in your hands and you may consume the host. Another minister will offer you the blood of Christ in the chalice (cup) of wine with the words, "The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation." The minister will assist you in drinking from the cup.
After receiving the body and blood of Christ, you may return to your seat. If desired, you may choose to receive the host only.
Music Music at Christ The King consists of a blend of traditional Episcopal hymnody (primarily from The Hymnal 1982) and more contemporary praise music. All lyrics are projected on the sanctuary screens. If you so desire, The Hymnal 1982 is the blue book found in the sanctuary chairs.