"The Liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all its meaning in the Resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too shall be raised." (The Book of Common Prayer, 507). All people deserve respect and honor in death.
At Chris The King, we are committed to providing time and space, and to offering the appropriate prayers and liturgies to remember those who have died and now celebrate new life with God.
The following information and guides are designed to facilitate the planning of a funeral during a very difficult time, and establish guidelines and policies designed to make it easier for family and friends to prepare for the funeral and interment of their loved one.
Funerals Funerals at Christ The King follow the forms provided in The Book of Common Prayer ("The Burial of Dead," 469-507). The Funeral Customary and Funeral Planning Guide (accessed above) will facilitate planning and execution of the services and rites by establishing some guidelines, policies, and rules.
Some elements to consider:
Holy Eucharist - Holy Eucharist or Communion is the norm for funeral services in The Episcopal Church. It may be left out with reason.
Readings - The Book of Common Prayer provides selections for appropriate readings and psalms for a funeral service. Other options, however, might also be considered. A list of suggested readings is provided in the planning sheet.
Remembrances - After the readings, time can be provided for appropriate eulogies to be made.
Bulletins - A bulletin will be provided by the church. They are printed in black and white and may include a color photo of the deceased on the front cover. The photo must be provided by the family as a digital file.
Music - Music at Christ The King is currently streamed. A list of suggested hymns is provided in the planning sheet.
Flowers - Christ The King is happy to arrange appropriate altar flowers for the funeral. We ask that flowers be kept in the Sanctuary for Sunday morning service. A donation of $25 is appreciated to cover the cost.
Cemetery Services- Interment can, of course, take place at any cemetery you choose. The clergy is happy to lead a graveside service at a local cemetery (West Polk County). With prior arrangement, they can also assist at a cemetery further distant - in particular: Florida, Sarasota, or Bay Pines National Cemeteries. An additional fee of $100 is requested for the clergy's travel.
Burial at Christ The King - Christ The King has a Memorial Garden where cremains can be interred (see below). A donation of $250 is appreciated and will be applied to a fund for the maintenance of the Memorial Garden.
Memorial Garden Christ the King has a Memorial Garden where cremains can be interred. Cremains are interred directly into the ground without an urn.
Space is available for a fee of $250, covering the cost of the burial and upkeep of the Memorial Garden. Remembrance is made with a brass plaque (hanging on a nearby wall) containing the person's name and years of birth and death.
It is best practice to inter immediately after the funeral service, but they can occur at other times if family need arises.